We have been on the market since 1991. Thanks to our team of more than 70 qualified customs declarants, we provide a fast and secure process in even the most challenging customs cases. Check out the list of our branches.
Customs services from A to Z
We offer our clients professional service, customs advice, including the proposal of appropriate customs procedures, the use of simplified customs procedures, centralized customs operations, the release of goods without the need of presenting the goods to a customs office, a system of customs guarantees for all regimes, the processing and submission of Intrastat reports, and last but not least, we monitor and respond to changes and valid legislation in the field of national customs legislation and EU customs legislation.
A new feature is the free use of our Custom Portal, which enables our clients to track the details of all operations, including electronic archiving of documents in each individual case. You can find the free Customs Portal for our clients here.
We are holders of an AEO-F certificate, which allows us to offer all advantages in customs procedures related to the import or export of goods.
You will get a strong and competent partner for all customs processes.

You will eliminate risks
associated with customs procedures

Předáte zodpovědnost
za celní případy

Získáte jistotu
postupů v souladu s platnou legislativou

Optimalizujete náklady
spojené s výběrem cla

Můžete využívat naše celní záruky
namísto vaší hotovosti

Garantujeme tříletou záruku
na vystavené celní prohlášení

Možnost využívat unikátní aplikaci
celního portálu pro online informace o průběhu clení a následnou archivaci všech dokumentů

Nabízíme poradenství a audit
celních služeb, od profesionálů
Guide to customs procedures
Our experts on customs issues have written down all the procedures and information that will surely help you!

Výhody clení s PST CLC
Získáte silného a kompetentního partnera pro realizaci veškerých celních procesů.

Eliminujete rizika
spojená s celními procedurami

Předáte zodpovědnost
za celní případy

Získáte jistotu
postupů v souladu s platnou legislativou

Optimalizujete náklady
spojené s výběrem cla

Můžete využívat naše celní záruky
namísto vaší hotovosti

Garantujeme tříletou záruku
na vystavené celní prohlášení

Možnost využívat unikátní aplikaci
celního portálu pro online informace o průběhu clení a následnou archivaci všech dokumentů

Nabízíme poradenství a audit
celních služeb, od profesionálů

Customs warehouses
Our logistics centres, which we operate in Úžice near Prague, Modřice near Brno and Ostrava, are also approved customs warehouses cooperating with all customs declarations of PST CLC Mitsui-Soko.
Special customs regimes
For special customs regimes, we provide all necessary documents, monitoring of the customs procedure and visualization of all documentation through the Customs Portal PST CLC Mitsui-Soko. This is available free of charge.

Outsourcing of customs services
Outsourcing customs services is popular among companies who, during our cooperation in the field of customs services, have realized that it is more advantageous for them to solve their customs clearance requirements through a professional representative.
Settlement of customs debt
Our company has secured customs debt for all customs regimes and all forms of customs proceedings in direct and indirect representation.

Save valuable time, hassle and travel associated with processing business documents. Experienced PST CLC Mitsui-soko specialists will handle everything for you.
We have a qualified team of customs experts who continuously monitor changes in customs legislation, act as consultants in the implementation of new processes, organize training and seminars, all according to the specific requirements and needs of our customers.