Import customs services

Import customs services

Customs clearance of imported consignments includes the transport of goods, complete provision of all necessary documentation, monitoring of the import operation and delivery of the tax document through the PST CLC Mitsui-Soko Customs Portal.

With the Import Customs Clearance service we issue accompanying import documentation (“JSD”) exclusively in electronic form, mostly in simplified customs procedures.

The ID issuance service is associated with the previous termination of a transit operation. The termination of a transit operation and the submission of the goods is directly dependent on the form of the chosen customs procedure, which may take place:

  • By submitting the goods to a customs office
  • Discussing a customs declaration at a customs office (use of a centralized customs procedure)
  • Using a simplified procedure at an approved PST CLC Mitsui-Soko site
  • At the client’s approved site (prior authorization by the customs office is necessary)

Representation in customs procedures governed by the Terms and Conditions includes the following services:

  • The issuance of an import customs declaration
  • Support in the case of physical inspection of the goods declared by the customs office
  • Verification of commercial policy measures relating to goods
  • Ensuring the preparation and filing of Binding Tariff Information (BTI)
  • Proposal of classification of goods
  • Securing the customs debt and its possible coverage
  • Archiving of all submitted and issued documents
  • ID archiving in XML and PDF form

Import customs clearance procedures are ensured by our team of experienced customs declarants quickly, reliably and always in accordance with valid legislation.