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PST CLC Mitsui-Soko focuses on improving logistics efficiency and invests heavily in software solutions in both customs and warehousing. “We are providing customs software for one of our key partners and have expanded it, which has ultimately had a positive impact on our bottom line. We are also investing heavily in software in the logistics division, where we have moved to a single WMS system in the current fiscal year,” says David Zimandl, CFO of PST CLC Mitsui-Soko. The company is also focusing on increasing the productivity of logistics centres and efficient pallet account management through software solutions for reporting and automating operations.

PST CLC Mitsui-Soko is also currently focusing on software integration of customs warehouses, which will give customs staff an up-to-date overview of items in individual warehouses across the country.

There are also plans to expand the customer portal of PST CLC Mitsui-Soko, where logistics clients will be gradually integrated. This project is already in the works. “With this integration, customers will have an accurate overview of what is stocked. They will therefore be able to see online the status of their stocks in the individual warehouses. They will have an accurate overview of the stock status without having to ask anyone. In addition, they will be able to receive and send orders via the portal,” explains David Zimandl.

It adds that dashboards will also be launched to provide detailed online reporting to both clients and management to increase the efficiency of warehouse management. “With the dashboards, we will increase productivity in the warehouses and hence profitability. By being more efficient on inputs, we don’t have to increase prices to clients as much in response to inflation. So increasing internal productivity is the goal. We plan to complete this project by the summer,” says David Zimandl.